Humans are genetically engineered with a need to believe in something or someone. That is why the xtian bible has been in print longer than most books. The hand-selected collection of stories are taken literally as truth by those following the xtian belief system. With their belief, comes an affirmation through their “profession of faith” which requires the public acceptance of the bible as the true word of their god. As with any pact, oath, charge, promise, etc. there is a contractual type of “consideration” given to the person offering allegiance. The xtians offer their life and soul in exchange for admittance to a heavenly place in the future.

The attributes of heaven differs from other religious belief systems; for example, the offer of virgins for their commission of fornication is not acceptable for the xtian belief of heaven. The premise of religious rules extends into their heavenly realm, just as they believe here on earth. Nonetheless, it is a quid pro quo arrangement of “I give to receive” for all religions.

Satanism underwent the same culling effect when Anton LaVey presented The Satanic Bible to the world. Anton wrote the Satanic Bible to provoke thought within those who are students of human psychological nature and who understand the assemblage of the Satanic Bible’s chapters and previously released treatises was to invoke discussion and consideration of ideas yet to be explored. Humans took the book and began to suggest (to Anton’s displeasure) that all Satanists should believe every word and take literally the precepts set forth therein in order to call themselves Satanists.

Aleister Nacht

“Why do you believe?”

3. “The reality behind Satan is simply the dark evolutionary force of entropy that permeates all of nature and provides the drive for survival and propagation inherent in all living things.” Magus Peter Gilmore

In this statement, Mr. Gilmore professes Satan (who, according to the Church of Satan, does not exist) is actually the natural evolution on earth, the fight for survival and primal urge to repopulate with offspring, proliferating the bloodline while replenishing / revitalizing the gene pool. I wonder if Charles Darwin was a Satanist? What Mr. Gilmore is describing sounds like Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”. Aleister Nacht