Psychic Vampires and Satanic Psychology

For several years, I have provided spiritual and personal guidance for those who have simply asked for my advice. I am not an ordained Satanic Priest however, I have been recognized as knowledgeable in the area of the Satanic as an author, speaker and Magus within our affiliated covens.

I always respect the wishes of the person confiding in me and use discretion at all times. I do have some interesting conversations with those seeking enlightenment and I find that usually, their issues are not as bad as they have allowed their imagination to create. There are some cases however, that are serious and in fact, dangerous.

One common denominator resurfaces time and again: the Psychic Vampire. When delving into the person’s feelings and problems, it often becomes apparent that someone (perhaps more that one person) have been taking advantage of the victim. These Psychic Vampires drain the victim of their energy, thoughts and motivations; simply for the thrill.

Psychic Vampire: Term originated by Anton LaVey, now widely used to describe manipulative individuals who drain others of their vital energy, impose feelings of guilt/responsibility, yet fulfill no apparent purpose.

“Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!” The Satanic Bible

Anton Lavey references the psychic vampire extensively in The Satanic Bible. I would like to reference some quotes from therein.

“Satanism represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires. Satanism represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates. Psychic vampires are individuals who drain others of their vital existence. We might feel responsible to such people yet not know why. These types of persons can be found in all avenues of society. They fill no useful purpose in our lives and are neither love objects nor true friends. We must rid ourselves of these psychic vampires so that we can devote our time to the people about whom we truly care. Rituals which can be performed to rid ourselves of these people will be discussed later.” The Satanic Bible

I believe Anton described these loathsome parasites quite well in this bible passage. When I counsel someone who clearly has been plagued by this type individual, the stories and experiences begin to resemble experiences others have described. A so-called friend (or friends) begin to occupy their life and hellishly push into their private space to overwhelm and monopolize time and attention. Their need begins to drain the life force from the victim until their life is so disheveled and in a state of ill repair that the victim’s health begins to suffer………not just mentally but physically as well.

“Often the psychic vampire will use reverse psychology, saying: “Oh, I couldn’t ask you to do that”—and you, in turn, insist upon doing it. The psychic vampire never demands anything of you. That would be far too presumptuous. They simply let their wishes be known in subtle ways which will prevent them from being considered pests. They “wouldn’t think of imposing” and are always content and willingly accept their lot, without the slightest complaint—outwardly!” The Satanic Bible

It is this subtle act of suggestion that makes the psychic vampire so dangerous. Reverse Psychology is a powerful cognitive weapon and is often used on the battlefield to confuse and disorient the enemy. This rearward attack leaves the victim off-balance and often blaming themselves for any pain and suffering brought about by the vampire. The victim accepts and shoulders the guilt which compounds the problem by making the victim feel indebted to the vampire; which the vampire will gladly exploit even more.

“Their sins are not of commission, but of omission. It’s what they don’t say, not what they do say, that makes you feel you must account to them. They are much too crafty to make overt demands upon you, because they know you would resent it, and would have a tangible and legitimate reason for denying them.” The Satanic Bible

This feeling of commitment to the vampire is exactly what the person strives for from the moment the victim is met. Again, the burden is transferred to the victim and the vampire simply induces the feeling of guilt.

Do Not Click Here
Do Not Click Here

“A large percentage of these people have special “attributes” which make their dependence upon you more feasible and much more effective. Many psychic vampires are invalids (or pretend to be) or are “mentally or emotionally disturbed.” Others might feign ignorance or incompetence so you will, out of pity—or more often, exasperation—do things for them. The Satanic Bible

Book of Satanic Magic
Book of Satanic Magic

By playing the victim’s sympathy, the victim is spun into a mental web; ever increasingly difficult to extricate them self. It is at the point where the vampire tests the victim that the hook is finally set. The solution becomes confusing; the guilt becomes almost unbearable; the victim’s life – turned upside down, leaving them emotionally and physically drained. Clear reasoning and thought is quickly replaced with the vampire’s perspective and the victim becomes the one clinging to sanity.

This vicious cycle becomes so exhausting for the victim that rational thoughts are almost impossible to fathom. The victim must work twice as hard to keep up with the guilt-induced treadmill pace. At some point, the entire scenario will end very badly for the victim and the vampire will be on the next victim; somewhat akin to a spider seeking another meal squirming in their web.

The psychic vampire is allowed to exist because he cleverly chooses conscientious, responsible people for his victims—people with great dedication to their “moral obligations.” The Satanic Bible

Moral obligation often forms the foundation for a person’s belief system and governs their conduct. By preying upon this (usually institutionalized) attribute, the vampire can exploit the guilt and emotionally connected feelings which are deeply ingrained within the victim. It is sometimes a “tug at the heart-strings” and sometimes “playing to the sensibilities” of the Obligate. It is rare that the vampire will actually act as obstructionist or in any other outwardly obstreperous manner. It is the unseen where the danger lies.

“Most people accept these passively vicious individuals at face value only because their insidious maneuvers have never been pointed out to them. They merely accept these “poor souls” as being less fortunate than themselves, and feel they must help them however they can. It is this misdirected sense of responsibility (or unfounded sense of guilt) which nourishes well the “altruisms” upon which these parasites feast!” The Satanic Bible

Sympathetic people are not the only ones susceptible to the well laid trap. Empathetic individuals also fall victim to these vampires. By feeling a certain connection to these sociopaths, the empathetic will be drawn quite easily into their own demise. It should also be noted that some of these vampires are extremely competent and proficient while delivering their expertise. Do not mentally fence with these individuals; doing so may end very badly for you.

“In some cases we are vampirized by groups of people, as well as individuals. Every fund-raising organization, be it a charitable foundation, community council, religious or fraternal association, etc., carefully selects a person who is adept at making others feel guilty for its chairman or coordinator. They are masters at playing upon the sympathy and consideration of responsible people.” The Satanic Bible

The established church applies this ploy on their flocks to extract the maximum donations and pledges. This is usually used concurrently with peer pressure or other tactics that ensure compliance. It is every effective as demonstrated by the televangelist that employs the strategy to talk senior citizens out of their social security checks.

So, what is the magical solution for dealing with the psychic vampire? Here is Anton’s prognosis.

“The traditional way to banish a demon or elemental is to recognize it for what it is, and exorcise it. Recognition of these modern‐day demons and their methods is the only antidote for their devastating hold over you.” The Satanic Bible

It is very simple…….recognize the vampire and deal with them accordingly. You must be able to identify an enemy in order to win the war and this enemy is no different. You must know who is attacking you to mount an effective defense. Once the proverbial knife is in your back, it is more difficult to counterattack with enough stamina to decisively destroy the vampire. Be aware of your surroundings and those who move near you. Always ask yourself; “What is this person’s motivation and what are they trying to symbolically sell me?” Being cognitively aware is the best prevention.

You should take a moment to evaluate the circles in which you socialize. Are you being victimized without even knowing it? What are you being subconsciously persuaded to do (or not do) and by whom. By taking social stock of your life, you may be deflecting a future attack. Be smart and proactive………never wait for the first death-blow to be issued by your opponent. Dispatch them with skill and the viciousness of the wild!!

“The only way to determine if you are being vampirized is to weigh what you give the person compared to what they give you in return.” You are, however, being vampirized if you are incessantly called upon or expected to do favors for someone who, when you need a favor, always happens to have other “pressing obligations.” The Satanic Bible

I believe Satanists are intelligent (well, the majority are).  By performing a self-evaluation and taking appropriate corrective action, the individual can avoid becoming the psychic vampire’s next victim.

Until next time,



  1. johncumpston · July 14, 2014

    Reblogged this on Sebastian's Blog.

  2. Zackary Bruley · December 26, 2014

    Well done; this was a very good read. I was talking to my uncle about someone who falls right into this category. Thank you for the article.

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